The Pipestone-Jasper
Trombone Section Website

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Meet the Section

Mike Janssen

Chris Hansen

Josh Klumper

Jess Henriksen

Rick Whipple

Ryan Alfson

Jenny Stangeland

The Honorary Trombone:
Casey Carmody

Brent Meulebroeck

Tedd Grogan

E-mail the Webmaster at michaelkyle3@

Mike Janssen

Homepage's URL:

Click for Pipestone, Minnesota Forecast

Meet the Section - Chris Hansen

  • Name: Chris Hansen
  • Nickname: Puff the Magic Dragon
  • Grade: 11
  • Age: 16
  • Where were you born? Pipestone
  • Do you enjoy drawing triangles? Why? Yes, it's fun
  • Have you been vaccinated for polio? No
  • Favorite word: I
  • Why is the sky blue? because it feels sad
  • Which is better, Tylenol or Ibuprofen? Tylenol
  • Favorite instrument (other than trombone): violin
  • List any infections you got today: eye, toe
  • Doesn't Kyle just have...EVERYTHING??? Yes
  • Why must the girls make the boys cry? beats me
  • What barnyard animal makes you hungry? goats
  • Why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways? because were strange
  • Have you seen my camera? No
  • Which is your favorite toe? My little toe
  • Least favorite brand of toothpaste: Tom's of Maine
  • ........Huh? Good question
  • With which mythological character do you most identify? Medusa
  • Why can't humans have tails? were to cool
  • If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does the coffee still taste bitter? No, it tastes bitter
  • Where were you April 27th, 1993? At home watching T.V.
  • How do you think the socioeconomic status of an individual affects his or her liberal or conservative position on such controversial topics as abortion and the death penalty? Beats me, and stop using big words
  • What is love? does it matter
  • Quote: "To be or not to be is a very dumb question."